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This eye enables people believers to know the hope of their calling. It helps believers to know the glory of the inheritance of the saints. It enables believers to know of the exceeding greatness of His power and the working of His might. It enables believers to understand the working of salvation and the reading of the scriptures.

Acts Spiritual Eye: i. It enables believers to see into the spiritual realms. The spiritual eyes see solutions while the physical eye see problems. Those who see spiritual realm receive information and get what they desire.

Failure to see the spiritual realms allow people to remain in problems instead of getting solutions. Job v. Spiritual eyes allow believers to see the solution within the problem.

Job vi. Elisha received double portion of anointing because he saw Elijah. Spiritually blind believers cannot see the glimpse of heaven. Isaiah ; Luke viii. The spiritually blind cannot compare spiritual things with spiritual. Complete eyesight can be explained as having the three 3 eyesight working perfectly. Defects on any of them portends dangers. Physically Blind Fellows: i. They cannot enjoy the beauty of nature.

John ii. They could collide with objects and fall. They could be compelled to remain at a point. Luke iv. They may not be able to fulfill their destinies. Mark Soul Blind: i. Those whose eyes of understanding are blind or darkened will not be able to know of the beauty of salvation through Jesus and His mighty powers. They cannot know the inheritance of Christ for the saints. Acts ; Eph Spiritual Blind: i.

Those who are spiritually blind will remain in their troubles and would not see solutions. They cannot see the glory of heaven or awesome sight. The race of such a Christian will be tedious and unexciting. If your spiritual eyes are always open, not only will your problems be solved, you will become an answer to the problem of others.

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Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. The way to unlock unimaginable virtue, values and result to your life lies in the Power of Gratitude.

Our memory verse stated the condition and time that requires gratitude, which should be rccg sunday school manual 2019 pdf download all situations at all times. Windows 10 pro kinguin free download is not just an act; it is a way of life. However, the case is opposite, even among Christians downloav in the Church, this is because some barriers like the wall of Jericho, Joshua have been put up against you and your loved ones to rejoice.

Father, help us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in our families, House Fellowship Centres and Parishes. Father, pull down every wall, standing as a barrier to the attitude of gratitude in our House Fellowship Centres. Your attitude of gratitude today, may be defining your altitude tomorrow. Lord, please give me the attitude of gratitude in all circumstances. Father, scatter every power of ingratitude ravaging your Church.

God inhabits the praises of the people. Encourage your Family and members of перейти на источник House Fellowship Centre to always worship and praise the Lord. Appreciate God for the gift of salvation and making you a royal priesthood and joint heir with His son. Save my name, rccg sunday school manual 2019 pdf download, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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